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The Footballers' Wives Took The Matter To Court To Reveal The 'Secret' To Others

The wives of former England soccer players Jamie Warde, 33, and Wayne Rooney, 35, have taken the matter to court over revealing "secrets" to each other.

The wives of the two footballers first accused each other in October 2019 on social media.

In October 2019, Wayne Rooney's wife, 34-year-old Klein Rooney, first accused Rebecca Warde, the wife of another footballer, Jamie Warde.

Klein Rooney claimed in his tweet that Rebecca Warde, the wife of footballer Jamie Warde, kept selling his secrets to the well-known British newspaper 'The Sun' for money.

In her tweet, Klein Rone alleged that Rebecca Warde had sold her top secret secrets to The Sun and that the newspaper had been publishing spicy news on her private life.

The footballer's wife wrote that she was upset when her secrets came out in the media and she did not understand how all this was happening, because she only mentioned these secrets in her Instagram story.

Klein Rowe wrote that he blocked all his Instagram followers in the Instagram story to solve this problem, but he did not block Rebecca Warde.

Klein Rowe tweeted that when he blocked all his followers, he started giving false information on Instagram, which was only seen by Rebecca Warde, after which the same information was published in The Sun newspaper. Was

Rebecca Warde also tweeted about her allegations, denying the allegations and claiming that her Instagram account had been hacked several times.

Rebecca Warde said Klein had misunderstood her crying and made serious allegations against her at a time when she was pregnant.

Rebecca Warde further wrote in her defense that she does not need money nor is she irresponsible to sell a woman's private and confidential information.

However, the accusations leveled by the two against each other were not limited to the social media battle and Klein took the matter to court.

The British broadcaster Sky News reported that a preliminary hearing was held in the London High Court in the case of revealing 'secrets' between the two wives of the footballers, in which the court surprisingly ruled in favor of Rebecca Warde. Statement

The trial judge said that Klein Rune had selected only Rebecca Warde to view the content by sharing it on her social media accounts.

The judge, after reviewing the documents submitted by the two, remarked that it appears that Klein Rowe deliberately shared confidential and personal content on Instagram and that he used Rebecca Warde's behavior instead of running a social media account. Shared content to keep an eye on.

The reference to the British broadcaster BBC that the court should decide the issue themselves out in favor of apparently stated Rebecca mentioned in the preliminary hearing and the two women were instructed tubhtr the court said in its report.

The report said that if the two women did not settle the matter privately outside the court by the end of this month, the formal trial of the case would begin next year.

Although the case is not criminal, it is a contempt of court case and Klein Rone has filed a damages claim against Rebecca Warde.

However, Rebecca Warde stated in the documents submitted to the court that she was pregnant at the time of the allegations and lost her pregnancy after falling into depression after the allegations, which is why it is believed that this case Will win, however, it is too early to say anything in this regard.

Interestingly, the management of the streaming website Netflix also announced last year that they would release a documentary on the issue, but no documentary has been released on it yet.

It is believed that Jamie Warde and Wayne Rooney used to play together in the England national football team but now both play for private football clubs.

While playing in the team of both the players, their wives were with them and the news and pictures of the wives of these two players used to adorn the media.

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