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Real Madrid, Barcelona And Juventus Denounce "Pressure And Threats" From UEFA, And Ask For Dialogue

Real Madrid, Barcelona and Juventus , the three 'rebel' teams that still remain in the Superliga project, have issued a joint statement to defend themselves after UEFA readmitted the other nine founding clubs of the Superliga and threatened sanctions against These three teams were still in their position.

In addition to denouncing pressure and threats, they continue to insist on keeping the dialogue on the Super League open and say, regarding the nine regrets , that they deeply regret that our friends and founding partners of the Super League project are immersed in an incoherent position -e inconsistent - after assuming certain commitments with UEFA yesterday. "

Statement from Real Madrid, Barcelona and Juventus

In relation to the statement issued on May 7 by UEFA regarding the Super League and the position adopted by 9 of its founding clubs, Fútbol Club Barcelona,   Juventus de Turin and Real Madrid Club de Fútbol state the following:

(I) The founding clubs of the Super League have received - and continue to receive - pressure, threats and offenses to abandon the project and their responsibility and right to provide solutions to the football ecosystem through concrete proposals resulting from constructive dialogue. This is unacceptable under the rule of law and the Courts have already ruled on the Super League project, ordering FIFA and UEFA, categorically, to abstain while the judicial procedure is being processed, directly or through their affiliated entities, of carry out any action that could penalize the founding clubs or that goes against the Super League, thus recognizing the appearance of good law of said initiative.

(II) The Super League project was jointly designed by its 12 founding clubs:

to. in order to provide solutions to the unsustainable situation currently facing the football family; The 12 founding clubs, as well as various players in European football, have expressed their deep concern at the current socio-economic situation, considering that it is essential to undertake structural reforms aimed at guaranteeing the sustainability of our sport. Therefore, on April 18, the 12 founding clubs announced their desire to create the Super League and to establish a communication channel with UEFA and FIFA, in a constructive and collaborative spirit between the parties, as notified to them. on that date;

b. from the utmost respect to the current structures of football and its ecosystem; In this sense, the founding clubs expressly agreed that the Super League would only take place if said competition was recognized by UEFA and / or FIFA or if, by virtue of the applicable legal system, it was recognized as a competition compatible for all purposes with continuity. of the founding clubs in their respective national competitions. However, despite being aware of these terms, UEFA and FIFA have refused to establish any adequate communication channel; Y

c. to bring financial stability to the entire European football family, currently affected by a deep crisis that threatens the survival of many clubs; Proof of this is the commitment made by the Super League to pay annual solidarity payments that materially multiply those offered by UEFA, and the obligation to reinforce financial sustainability rules by creating a clear, transparent and effective control system verified by experts.

(III) The Super League was understood by the 12 founding clubs as a unique opportunity to offer fans around the world the best possible spectacle and increase global interest in the sport, which faces new generational trends that threaten its future . On the other hand, it also had as a primary objective to promote women's football globally, a historic opportunity for its promotion.

(IV) We are fully aware of the diversity of reactions, in very different areas, that the Super League initiative has produced and, consequently, of the need to reflect on the reasons that have generated these reactions and reconsider the approach proposed in whatever is necessary. However, we would incur serious irresponsibility if, being aware of the needs and systemic crisis of the football sector, a circumstance that led us to announce the Super League, we abandoned our mission to provide effective and sustainable solutions and answers to the issues that threaten the world. football.

(V) We deeply regret that our friends and founding partners of the Super League project find themselves immersed in an incoherent - and inconsistent - position after assuming certain commitments with UEFA yesterday. However, given that the material problems that led the 12 clubs to announce the Super League a few weeks ago have not disappeared, we reiterate that, out of respect for our history, for our responsibility to our partners and fans, for the financial sustainability of the sport and for the sake of football, we have a duty to act responsibly and to persevere in finding solutions, despite the unacceptable pressure and threats we continue to receive from UEFA.

(VI) In conclusion, we reiterate to FIFA, UEFA and all football players, as we have done on several occasions since the announcement of the Super League, our commitment and firm will to discuss, with due respect, without pressure at all intolerable and with respect for the rule of law, the most appropriate solutions for the sustainability of the entire football family.

The Real Madrid , the Barcelona and Juventus issued Saturday a statement denouncing "pressure" and "threats" from UEFA for the creation of the Super League. In the text, they recall that the courts have already ruled on "any action that may penalize the founding clubs" and ask "to debate, with due respect, without entirely intolerable pressure."

The three founding clubs of the Superliga thus responded to the statement issued by UEFA on Friday in which the highest body of European football announced an agreement with the nine clubs that had withdrawn from the Superliga, which it admitted back into its bosom in exchange of a fine of 15 million euros, among other penalties. The three teams that are still in default denounce, in the first point of their text, "pressure, threats and offenses" to abandon the project.

They describe what happened as "unacceptable under the rule of law" and recall that "the Courts have already ruled on the Super League project, ordering FIFA and UEFA, categorically, to refrain while the judicial procedure is being processed, to carry out any action that could penalize the founding clubs ". They understand, in this way, that "the appearance of good law of said initiative" is recognized.

Real Madrid, Barcelona and Juventus assure in a second point that the Super League was designed by twelve clubs ( these three plus Atlético de Madrid, Manchester United, Manchester City, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal, Tottenham, Inter Milan and Milan ) "with the aim of providing solutions to the unsustainable situation "that the world of football is going through, the result of" deep concern at the current socio-economic situation "and understanding as" essential to undertake structural reforms aimed at guaranteeing the sustainability "of the beautiful game.


Despite the fact that since April 18 , the twelve founding clubs announced the creation of the Super League and their "desire to establish a communication channel with UEFA and FIFA, with a constructive spirit and collaboration between the parties" and recall that the new competition "would only take place if it was recognized by UEFA or FIFA or if, by virtue of the applicable legal system, it was recognized as a competition compatible for all purposes with the continuity of the founding clubs in their respective national competitions", they reveal that the The agencies' response has been "to refuse to establish any adequate communication channel."

In their statement they defend the objective of creating the Super League " to provide financial stability to the entire European football family ", the commitment "to pay annual solidarity payments that multiply those offered by UEFA", as well as "the obligation to reinforce the rules of financial sustainability by creating a clear, transparent and effective control system verified by experts ".

So the twelve clubs that shaped the competition say they understood it "as a unique opportunity to offer fans around the world the best possible show and increase global interest in the sport, which faces new generational trends. that threaten their future. "

In the last sections of the statement, the three founding clubs that have not announced their departure from the Super League, acknowledge that they are "fully aware of the diversity of reactions" that the announcement has caused and " the need to reflect " on it, therefore that they are open to "reconsidering the proposed approach as necessary." However, they think it would be "grossly irresponsible" to abandon their "mission to provide effective and sustainable solutions and answers to the issues that threaten football."

They "deeply" regret the situation of the nine clubs that announced their departure from the Super League, " immersed in an incoherent - and inconsistent - position after assuming certain commitments with UEFA yesterday ." And they reiterate to FIFA, UEFA and all football players, their "commitment and firm will to discuss, with due respect, without entirely intolerable pressure and with respect for the rule of law, the most appropriate solutions for the sustainability of the entire soccer family ".

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